Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hey guys it's me again. Wow. I rarely update my blog because I'm not a good writer. That means I have no idea on what to write and I don't know how to entertain you guys with words. I'm just saying this because all of my friends keep updating their blogs and it's kinda make me feel bad about my blog. WTH?!
So, as some of you know(maybe), I made a cool video(lame) last week. I uploaded the video into my NEW channel on YouTube. I closed my old channel because it's kinda lame(really lame). My old channel consists of drawing videos, and it sure did get some viewers. I made drawings of celebrities in those days.
For my new channel, I decided to make fun videos like maybe stop-motion videos, music videos, funny videos, how-to videos and even some drawing videos. But for now, I think I might stick on doing stop-motion because I have no video camera! OMG! I was thinking of buying one like those video-cam stuff, but i think it's better to buy a DSLR which have an HD video recording though. That will be better I guess. I mean like, you can take great pictures and great videos too.
If any of you have an account on YouTube, please subscribe! pretty please with cheeries on top? :)

So here's the link to my New channel.

and here is the video I made and fussing about.


  1. hey Umai. you're interesting, and i think you should write more. And the JB click thingy. One of my friend organize that thing, what a small world every body connects with each other ;)

  2. you really think so? thanks Kim! :D
    oh really? cool!
